A dictator's discourse

Each a dictator takes over in Pakistan, tries to introduce a package of innovative ideas and discourses which seem new and attractive for the time being. Among the dictators Gen.Musharraf used to publicly display his power and strength and would sometimes openly threaten (as in case of Bughti) people with his physical might. He tried to demonstrate himself as a man of nerve and the one who had the courage of his conviction. In his memoir he has made lengthy accounts of his feats and resilience. One of the striking tales is as under. 

In the FC college when he learnt how to make a bomb, he along with his few other fellows made one, and decided to give a scare to the warden with it.” A few days later Mr. Datta(the warden) got hold of one of my friends, Hameed, and asked him for the name of the boy behind the bombs. If he didn't reveal it, he was told, he would be either suspended or expelled. Hameed, who was from Hyderabad, Sindh, told me about the sword hanging over his head. I knew it would be unconscionable if he were punished so severely for something that I had done, so I told him to tell Mr. Datta the truth. He said that Pervez Musharraf was the culprit.”

He has tried to show that he was all the time ready to take responsibility for all his actions, and never sought scapegoat for his deeds. But all these claims were overshadowed when he was made to appear before the court of law and was asked to account for his unconstitutional acts. The ground realities seemed counter to all his claims he would use to make in the public and mention them in his memoir.

          He was never ready to shoulder the responsibility for what he had done when he was at the helm of the state’s affairs, but tried to drag other people into the whirlpool. He tried to involve the then officials of the civilian govermnet as well the whole institution of the military in the case. The claims of taking responsibility for his actions was never witnessed rather no effort was spared to seek exit from the country and finally it happened so. If we compare him with an elected civilian leader like Zulifiqar Bhutto, the real difference can noticed. He gladly endured the hours of imprisonment, and finally touched the gallows. He refused to seek the final mercy and also rejected offers of exiles. 

Political issues of Pakistan.

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