The PTI's Discourse

It took many people by surprise when a veteran cricketer and ex-captain of Pakistan cricket team, Imran Khan formed a political party and announced his entry into practical politics. In the beginning his discourse was inclined towards the well being of the youth of the country, and the head of the PTI- Imran Khan could be witnessed seeking support from religious quarters. With the passage of time PTI diverted its attention towards the American drone attacks into Pakistani territory. Imran khan had been an arch critic of Pakistan’s foreign policy and accused Pakistani establishment for its tacit support to the American drone strikes. As the general election of 2013 drew nearer, PTI shifted its focus to social justice and anti corruption slogans in Pakistan, and plunged into the field with the said discourse.
In the after math of the 2013 election, PTI came forth with the allegations of rigging by the PML-N which had secured majority seats in the election. The surprising part of the discourse of rigging was that the areas wherein PTI had secured majority were declared free of rigging and the worst kind of rigging was allegedly done in the constituencies wherein PTI had got defeated.
PTI took to street politics and started a long sit-in the capital against the results of the election.  The essence of PTI’s discourse throughout the dharna remained:  Nawaz Sharif is the only rotten egg in the state of Pakistan, and that the PTI will at no cast call off its dharna unless it secures the resignation of the elected Prime Minister Nawaz Shairf. But it was called off after 126 days without achieving any of its objectives. PTI insisted on formation of a judicial inquiry commission to investigate into the matter which will definitely expose the rigging, the commission was formed to the utter satisfaction of PTI and all their misgivings were addressed. The commission came up with its 237 pages report, conclusion of which reads:

   The Commission is of the view that the PTI was not entirely
unjustified in requesting the establishment of a body to
inquire into its suspicions and allegations regarding the 2013
general elections. However after the recording of evidence and
carefully going through all the material placed on record the
Commission finds as under in respect of each TOR.
·         Taking into account all the evidence on record,
notwithstanding the shortcomings of the ECP as mentioned
earlier in this Report, the 2013 general elections were in large
part organized and conducted fairly and in accordance with
the law.
·         The plan or design to manipulate or influence the election
has not been disclosed with any degree of specification by any
of the parties to the proceedings nor is it discernible from the
material placed before the Commission. Allegations against
those allegedly involved in the plan/design also remained
unsubstantiated by the evidence on record
·         When the entire context of the elections are considered along
with the meaning of overall basis, despite some lapses by the
ECP it cannot be said on the evidence before the Commission that on an overall basis the elections were not a true and fair reflection of the mandate given by the electorate.
The essence of PTI’s discourse remained that wherever PTI won, fair election has been conducted, wherever it lost rigging had taken place.

PTI has been manifesting itself as an upholder of legality and staunch believer in the constitutional schemes of things, but in practice they work against their own discourse. PTI had declared its lack of confidence in the members of election commission of Pakistan and wanted them to resign from their posts. In order to achieve its objectives, they again took to streets, whereas redress of the same issue has already been enunciated in the constitution article 209. PTI was never witnessed making effort to make use of the constitutional provision.

PTI exhorted people for tax revolt, and wanted them not to pay tax to the government which was not legitimate in its view. PTI went a step further and exhorted people not to pay utility bills, and use the illegal Hundi system for cross border foreign exchange transactions.

Pakistan like the other developing countries has been subject to threats of militarydictatorships. People with democratic spirit are always out to ensure the continuity of democracy in the country and thwart any such bid which results into subverting of the will of the public. But PTI has its own discourse different form the rest of political entities. PTI has no problem with army entering into the terrains of politics if the army topples the PML-N led government. During its dharna one way or the other attempts were made to exhort the military to take reigns of the government and oust the elected prime minister. Frequently threatening the government with raising the umpire’s fingers, attacking every institution that symbolized civilian authority: parliament house, PTV centres etc.

Much to the chagrin of  the literate and democracy loving class of the world, came the statement of  Imran Khan on the Turkish turmoil. Military in the developing countries has been toppling civilian governments and installs dictatorship by force. But it was probably for the first time in the history of developing countries that the public came out in support of civvies against the military takeover in Turkey. The masses made unprecedented sacrifices of lives to safeguard their elected government against the military. Reaction of the Turkish people was widely commended by the people all around the world and tribute was paid to the spirit and sacrifices of the Turkish people. It were indeed a triumph of public will and a discouragement of any such bid which replaces public choice with force in ruling  them. Even at this hour of crisis Imran came up with a statement which even does not behove a lower level political worker, let alone head of a political party which deems itself fit for ruling the country. Mr.Imran said, “if military takes over government in Pakistan people will distribute sweets”, the same statement was dully endorsed and publicly paraphrased by one of the members of his coterie Sheikh Rasheed.

Mr.Imran defended his statement on the ground that people were not contented with the PML-N led government in Pakistan, and the government was terribly failed to deliver, and people had therefore grown discontented with it and ready to welcome dictatorship. He maintained that the Turkish president Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan had delivered well and it were due his popularity and public oriented policies that the people supported him against the military. Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan is widely known for his high-handedness in chalking out public policies. He is an ambitious political figure who is believed to have been harboring the idea of replacing the current quasi parliamentary political system with the presidential one. Fathullah Golan, the man who is believed to have  been behind the present plot in Turkey, was once the a close aides of the Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan ,but later due to differences on policy matters they parted their ways. Keeping in view all these factors Turkish public reaction cannot simply be termed as a manifestation of people’s love for Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan rather their love for democracy. Imran’s stance therefore holds no water.

PTI has been trying to take credit of democratic practices in his party- PTI, like intra party election,  freedom of expression and the right to question decisions of party members. But Mr.Imran khan in his recent speech to the disgruntled workers of his party said.” You have to accept the decision otherwise you have to two options with you: either to join other party or form your own party.”  This statement speaks volumes of democratic spirit of PTI.

The essence of PTI’s discourse can be summed up in the following words. Whatever PTI says and does is legal, just and fair, people minus PTI even if do a right thing but is against the will of PTI, is illegal and unfair. PTI is born to rule the country and has been blessed with honest, fair and capable leadership. If any single person on Pakistani soil deserves to be prime minister, he is head of the PTI.



Political issues of Pakistan.

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