Sir Sayed and Allama Iqbal: an untold tale of fortitude and timidity.

Sir sayed Ahmad and Allama Iqbal are the two distinguished figures in the pre-partition history of Indian Mulsims.  There are a number of similarities between the two, however, interestingly a large number of differences in thinking and approach make them poles apart as well. It was due this modus operandi which earned for them separate statuses in history. Sir sayed due to his clarity of vision and subsequent bluntness incurred the displeasure of the then orthodoxand conservative religious quarters, whereas Sir Iqbal on the other hand did not voice what he wanted to say and therefore always basked in the sunshine of the religious quarters.
The similarities between them are numerous: Both were pre-eminently erudite, both had a vision for the social reformation, religious identity, economic uplift and political and educational development of the Indian Muslims. Both the dignitaries have made efforts and taken steps for the realization of their vision yet there is an unnoticed difference in their thought and modus operandi.
Sir Sayed came forward with a vision for the Indian Muslim in a time when the latter were badly in need of it. Having critically analyzed the plight of the Indian Muslims and their subsequent marginalization by the British in the state services and political affairs of the state, sir Sayed came up with a strategy of his own. To him the key reason behind the backwardness of Indian Mulisms was their want of the modern education and some sort of misinterpretation of Islam by the interested religious quarters.
In order to defend Islam form the criticism of non-Muslims, he embarked upon the adventure of writing an essay which could negate the allegations and misconceptions raised by the William Munier. The test of his will and faith came when his mission required finances which he could not afford out of his resources. He sold everything he owned ,even the utensils of his home to raise finances for the purpose, and went abroad to collect information for his adventure and subsequently he was succeeded in his mission and brought forth the true face of Islam and the noble and honest character of the holy prophet.
Modern education for the Indian Muslims was the bottom line of Sir Sayed’s mission. He wanted the Muslim to come out of the superstitions and the traditionally imparted education. Keeping in view the dire need of the modern education for the Indian Muslim he started the celebrated Aligarh Movement. Thanks to this movement which produced certain outstanding personages who later fought the social and political case of the Indian Muslims. It were the first adventure ever taken in the history of the Indian Muslims which laid emphasis on modern education.
Sir Sayed was conscious of the growing myths, superstitions and irrational trends in Islam due its misinterpretation. He openly spoke against all these misconceptions and wanted to reform such things prevalent among the Muslims. It were due his this bluntness and the courage to speak openly against the evil trends, which earned for him infamy from the conservative religiousquarters. He was even termed by the orthodox as non-Mulism and supporter of the British imperialism. But in spite of the criticism leveled against him and the adverse public opinion, he never gave up his mission and worked for his fellow Muslims.
          Allama Iqbal on the other hand is a much confusing figure and ambiguous in his thoughts and actions. He did not have the stomach to clearly articulate his views. He was also conscious of the misinterpretations and irrational trends taking place in Islam. He wanted to adapt Islam to the modern needs and dispel the myths through the exercise of Ijtihad. But Iqbal feared displeasure of the orthodox class and did not incurred it. Iqbal in his book “The Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts In Islam” express his this fear.( Page 185.)

Unlike sir sayed who was clear in his vision and have had the stomach to face the criticism of his opponent and carried out all his schemes with fortitude, Iqbal lacked both the courage and practical implementation for his schemes and displayed timidity so that the displeasure of the conservatives may not be incurred. Which he himself confessed in his abovementioned book.

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