Photography a boon or bane of enjoyment?

Do you agree that photography and videos making come in our way of enjoying a scene, event and functions. They would probably interfere less the past, when means of capturing were rare and privileged, and outlets for their display almost did not exist. Now, with the mushroom growth of smart phones with the capability of quality capturing, and the easy availability of outlets for their display such as the social media and particularly facebook, such practices have become a common phenomenon. Which sometimes very even badly foils the bid to enjoy a particular thing? What after all is the logic behind capturing things by camera?
The ideal concept behind photo/video taking is that when a person is much enchanted,  highly fascinated and deeply mesmerized by a scene, view, audio or video performance such as song or dancing, he wants to have it repeated again and again, the same is captured by camera and is viewed when one wishes so, and thus satisfy his aesthetic sense.
But if we cast a critical glance at the process of pictures and video taking, the abovementioned logic cannot be found behind the practice. Tourists focus more on capturing the scenes rather than enjoying it.  Audience/viewers at a function are more equipped with cameras than an aesthetic sense. They rarely pay attention to the performance or content of the function but are more interested in capturing the same. However, most he items are later on deleted as having no quality within them.
The social media and the Facebook in particular one of the motivating force behind the growth of such practice. People capture pictures/videos with a view to post the same on facebook, even if they themselves don’t like them. It is therefore that in most of the cases there is neither purpose nor logic behind a snap, but the same is produced just to feed their timelines. 


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30 March 2022 at 23:08

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