You first make the thieves and then punish them

You first make the thieves and then punish them

Sir Thomas has always been slaked for his celebrated work utopia, as it is a work which is based on his figment of imagination, and like Plato’s Republic it has nothing to do with world of reality. Both of the works are rich in imaginative ideals of the authors. Yet if critically examined, there are certain things which reflect the reality of life. One of the striking line in Utopia reads,” you first make the thieves and then punish them”  this is indeed true in case of Pakistan, where it has been a case to nurse an ideology, support the same, patronize it , or turn a deaf ear to a problem which seemingly goes against the public interest and state writ. But later at a certain stage show reaction and start crack down on them. The two examples reflect the same approach in the recent history of Pakistan. Fazullah or Imamderai mullah ,head of militant group  from Swat valley of KPK, and  Ghulam Rasool, or Choto ,head of the Choto gang. The background stories of both the culprits have much in common as far as the approach of the government towards them is concerned, and therein we can see an befitting applicability of the view enshrined in the Utopia.
Fazullah was a simple mendicant, and a mullah who would run affairs of a small mosque at the village opposite to the Fizagat Park. The tendency towards militancy was dormant in his person, but he lacking the wherewithal would not voice it. He, in order to realize his ambition of becoming the amir  swat , embarked upon a multi-pronged strategy. The first plank of his strategy was start sermon on FM channel and acquire public support for his cause. This act of him was widely hailed by the residents of the area and he was sky rocketed to the firmament of eminence in the eyes of all in the locality. With each passing day his audience grow, same his reputation.
The next stage of his strategy was to construct a strong building called Markaz, which was used for the purpose of public gatherings and giving Darshan  like Akbar the great. People generously contributed to the  realization of the project both in men and money and the women donated their jewelry. The next stage of the show was his Friday public appearance, he would used to meet with visitors from all around the area on Friday, and the visitor would pay homage to him.

The man, next, started a elimination of the means of entertainment such as TVs, CDs and their ilk and called the venture and a war  against the social evils, people voluntarily brought their gadgets and were burnt in public places. With each passing day he was gathering strength and public support across the valley. Interestingly none of his action was noticed nor at least condemned by the administration of the area.

The next plank of the strategy was informal military exercises making use of small guns and other locally available weapons. People thronged his markz and participated in these exercises. It was a sort of recruitment and military training, there was none to take notice of his acts and sense gravity of the situations.

Having gained support of enough militants, a sort of patrolling of the area was started and in most of the areas the militants replaced the policemen. This stage was followed by police targeting, open beheading, and amputation. Having let him gather enough power and influence, establish informal kingship, the state finally sprung into action and a heavy operation was launched against him, which needs no description.

A similar case is that of the head of the Choto gang, Ghulam Rasool, popularly known as Choto. It is strange to think that how a man gathered such power, accumulated such advanced weapons and challenging the writ of the government without any fear. Was Choto along with his gang  brought into the island by Alladin at midnight, and when we woke up saw him with such power and weapons? He has been involved in murders, extortions and kidnappings for long, but the reaction of the state was perhaps pappu yar tang nakar. It were finally the action by security forces with heavy weapons to do the thing which, if was noticed in time, could be dealt with by few police constables of a local police station with conventional weapons.

By casting a critical glance at both the cases in hand and most others, it is evident that such elements are given grace period to grow in power and influence, and when they become enough powerful to be dealt with, the action is started. We can befittingly fall in with Utopia that “You first make the thieves and then punish them.”


Political issues of Pakistan.

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Social ailments/problems of Pakistan

Social ailments/problems of Pakistan

Societies make advances in all walks of life when their mindset stay focused on certain objectives : a keen desire for greater achievements, an obsession with  thoughts for  improvement , and an ambition to travel yet further. Whereas on the other hand, societies which feel contented and even satisfied, become stagnant and action- less, which are the ailments which gradually culminate in decay and collapse. Pakistani society has been collectively suffering from certain fatal ailments which go unnoticed even by the men of letter.

Paranoia, & social narcissism, most of the people are suffering from this ailment. They feel that the whole world is out to harm them and lessen their influence (which to them they wield) . To them there is a conspiracy in each and every action initiated by the major powers of the world. They remain under a kind of delusion that they are of much importance to the world and the world cannot run its affairs without them, they view all the developments in the world form this prism.

History of perfection, their satisfaction is further boosted by the version of history they are taught in their educational intuitions. The main theme of which is that Pakistan has  made achievements in all walks of life, be it science or social values,  military power, natural resources or economy  ‘we are the best’. We have performed well in all walks of life…

Interest in conspiracy theories. Every action of others especially of  the major world powers is analyzed and viewed as a conspiracy launched against them.. be it in  Africa or north America, but they feel that it will ultimately turn against them. Although conspiracies cannot be denied, but this mindset has grown into ailment. To them the world has nothing else do except to launch conspiracies against them.. Even to them there is a hidden conspiracy in polio drops against them…

Remain besieged to the body of narratives, it is interesting to note that there are certain well known narratives imitated by the interested sections whenever they feel the need, and almost all the people are part of one or the other narrative. The three major narratives are as under.
1 democracy is at stake: This is a useful card used by the political elites of the country for galvanizing public support whenever they feel their vested interest if to be served.
2. security of the country is in danger: this tool is utilized by the security establishment to get more empowered  and esteemed in the eyes of the public and secure space.
3. conspiracies are ahead against the religion. The tool is very handy for the religious elites of the country, it is always instrumental for them in the process of space sharing with intuitions and building pressure over them by indoctrinating the simple minded masses.

The nukes,  the nuke are deemed by some people as something  which no other person on the planet possesses, or their nukes are far more better than those of the others ,especially of Indian which to them will turn into a damp squib ‘when the time come’( which they badly wait for).

A Faulty comparison, In everything when it comes to comparison India is mentioned, be it, education, science, democracy or again cricket. India has certainly gone ahead in these areas, whereas pakistan is lagging behind, they need to have another developing country available for their comparison which they resemble.
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There are people who feel happy when they are among crowd and fellow beings, whereas on the other hand there are people who feel happier when they are alone. The latter feel better to be alone and undisturbed by the company of their fellow beings. it seems strange at surface, yet it is a great boon to those who have become used to this. they feel bored when they are inducted into the environment which is crowded.

           In this category mostly fall people who have either become disappointed and dejected from, or intellectuals and literati. solitude serves a good condition for the people of both these categories. the highly intellectuals usually seek solace in solitude, and therein they produce things of great significance. Most of the great intellectuals of the world are those who have become used to solitude.

        Literati and especially poets are most used to solitude. this is the state wherein they practice which is called as imagination. the work of poets is based on imagination which is the very product of solitude. The great Romantic poets of English like wordsworth, coleridge and keats would use to practice imagination and thereby produced great poetic materials.

        Men are different in their temperament some are sociable and joyous whereas other are solitude loving, it is a common observation that people associated with great achievements are usually those who love solitude.

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symbolic meanings/symboism

symbolic meanings/symboism

Of all the natural things, rose is one of the best romantic symbols. It is offered to show one’s feeling of love for someone or to give a yet further romantic touch to a relation. Rose is also offered in cases where the lovers cannot expressly state their feelings of love ,and express the same through the instrumentality of rose, it has also been observed that the married couple who want to strengthen their love for each other ,they offer each other rose daily especially at the time of breakfast. Whatever the occasion of the offer might be, the symbolic meaning of the rose is always love.

The colors of the rose also add to the kind of feelings, the colors that is red, white and dark red are having their specific meanings, which are ,however interpreted differently in different cultures of the world. But the very existence of rose symbolizes love everywhere in the world.
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Is it fair to treat your girl friend.

Is it fair to treat your girl friend.

confidence of girl in boy is indeed a confidential one, and therefore must be repsected. it does not behove anyone to take wrong advantage of this. even if you take girlfriend on date, one should not take wrong advantage of this, dont make video or picture of the romantic secnes which are made public later, and add to the humiliation of the girl , care should be taken in conservative societies like Pakistan. the confidence she has having in you must be respected and fully honored.and this is what the spirit of ture love is.
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