Discourse analysis

Discourse analysis

The passage reflects a plethora of socio-political and cultural problems prevalent especially in the patriarchal structure of societies: male dominated/domineering role in the family affairs/ discourse; restricting due freedom of women and even stifling their voice in discourses; man’s struggle to assert his own views even at the cost of cultural norms; man’s effort to construct his own regime of truth/power and secure a culturally accepted cover for his commands. Whereas on the other hand woman (Amna) raises feminist voice in the discourse and tries to assert her identity and challenge the man’s constructed regime of truth; the woman tries to highlight the social problems prevalent in families which the women are subjected to. Yet at the end of the discussion man (Amir) overpowers her and silences her voice, she obeys her order and let the status quo maintained.
A)  Socio-political problems:
Patriarchal structure of society is one of the problems reflected in the passage. Man is head both of economic and social life. Women are not supposed to act without seeking prior permission. Man’s authority is unquestioned even if it goes against the social standards/cultural norms. Amna had gone to enquire after the health of her classmate, which is a part of culture, ( it were my moral obligation to discover her well-being) but yet it was not tolerated by Amir only because the act was done by Amna without his consent.
Women are inferior to men and they are culturally bound to obey their husbands. It is also one of the social issues prevalent in our society. Women are treated as inferior creatures who are unable to lead their lives without interference by man. This view has crept into the edifice of culture and not only men but most of the women themselves adhere to it. Women are expected to follow the commands and dictation of their husbands/brothers/fathers even at the cost of rationality and fair play, violation of the said conduct/norm is rarely tolerated by the male section of society.
Woman’ voice/concern for her due rights is not tolerated and such acts amount to violation of social setup. Whenever she rises her voice, is stifled and dealt with severely, as Amir says, hold your tongue, your bitch! How dare you challenge my authority and position?
Women are barred from participating in the economic life as well. As Amir highlights her role, “just cooking and washing the clothes and utensils”. This has been the case in the conservatives segments of the society where women are kept confined to the household affairs only, they are denied participation in the economic affairs of the home.
The misinterpretation of the heavenly injunctions regarding women is also evident in the words of Amir.’ you must endure…God has bestowed us with genetic lottery’. It is a gross misinterpretation of the revealed injunctions, there is nothing of the kind of genetic superiority and inferiority in the commands of God. All human beings are equal, whereas women are given more privileged status over men. Man is ordained to take of her needs, which does not bestow right of superiority on men.
Negation of women’s voice is one of the social problems in our society. Amna when trying to show her stance is stifled by Amir, ‘don’t reason with me’ she hold her tongue and she is denied the chance to voice her conern.
B)   Research questions:
Having done a critical analysis of the passage, we can come up with the following questions.

·         Should man have control over all the aspects of woman’s life?

·         Should woman be denied her social life and moral/cultural obligations?

·         Is the unquestioned authority of man in social, economic and domestic affairs justified?

·         “Women are inferior and weaker gender”, is this a true interpretation of heavenly injunctions?

·         Is it a healthy development to confine woman only to domestic affairs, and the burden of economic life be borne by man alone?

C)  Norman Fairclough (1989) critical discourse analysis:

1)      Description.
Vocabulary in the dialogue used by man is more authoritative, high sounding and harsh both in tone and tenor. Woman on the other hand uses softer tone, mild vocabulary and polite phrases to voice her concern. Man is more direct in his words in addressing the woman. The phrases which emphasize man dominance over women are more frequently used. Man’s utterances which reflect his domineering role in the domestic affairs and undermining that of the woman have been frequently repeated. The role of man and his importance in the society have been frequently highlighted whereas that of woman is undermined. The choice of the vocabulary and grammar by both the participants’ i.e Amir and Amna reflect domineering and oppressed roles in the discussion respectively.

2)      Interpretation:
The discussion highlights two main ideas/issues i.e man’s over dominated/domineering role in the domestic affairs and feminist voice. Man acts as a typical head of a patriarchal type of family. He tries to control the social and economic affarirs of the family. He commands his wife that he is in no way allowed to move and continue her social life without his permission. According to him women are not supposed to act in any way against the desires of their husbands. The husband, according to the man, is fully authorized to control the movement and actions of wife. The wife according to him should not have any desires, likes and dislikes, and she is under moral obligation to follow whatever commands come from her husband.  The man, being a representative of a conservative society, holds that women should be kept confined to houses and they have to do domestic chores and have no right to participate in the social and political affairs. He also by misinterpretation draws justification from the divinely injunctions that men have been empowered by Almighty, and is superior and desired gender. Women, according to him, are inferior and weaker genders they have no other role except following commands of their husbands and doing domestic chores.
The wife on the other hand stands for feminist stance. She holds that women must have their social lives as well.  She disregards all those cultural codes which restrict the due freedom of women. She stands for the rights of women that they should be allowed to visit their friends/relatives and have a say in the domestic and social life as well. She also highlights the plight of domestic women who endure a huge burden. They have not only to perform domestic chores and obey husbands, but also to attend to other members of husband’s family as well. Despite all these odds yet the wives obey commands of their husbands ( as she brings water at the end of the exchange of the arguments)
3)      Explanation:
The dialogue is the manifestation of the conservative domestic life. Where man has established his own regime of truth, that man is superior by all aspects and woman is inferior. Man alone is responsible for the earning and feeding the family, he is therefore within his rights to control all the aspects of family member’s lives. Woman’s participation in any event without her husband approval is disapproved, and similarly she is not allowed to have any job. She is even not allowed to speak in front of her husband, which is evident in the words of the husband who repeatedly silence her and make his own voice dominant in the discussion. It is this disposition of man that he throughout the discussion that he exerts power and denies identity to the woman.



Political issues of Pakistan.

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Religion as a gimmick.

Religion as a gimmick.

The use of religion for political, economic and social purposes has been in vogue in Pakistan. Various interest groups use the card of religion for the realization of their vested interests. The centrist forces use the card of religion to galvanize the different linguistic and ethnic communities and forge a sense solidarity and communion among them. The so called religious political parties monopolize religion for securing political leverage. Those directly associated with the institution of religion-the clergy class uses the religion for their economic gratification. Religion in Pakistan can hardly be observed as an end itself rather a means to an end.  However, recently it use for commercial purposes has been enormously increased.

With the holy month of Ramdhan around the corner, the private television channels of Pakistan seem in full preparation to make most the month for their commercial purposes. The fashion of conducting shows ostensibly with religious contents is growing very fast and pull a large crowd. Almost all the channels conduct the shows in their own manner.  Gatherings of actors, mullas and quasi scholars can be witnessed almost on all the channels. Apart from the sermons the shows have for their viewers quiz competitions and other components on the same pattern. The channels earn a huge sum of money through the gimmick of religion. Besides the interval commercial advertisements for the huge scale of viewers, the award of the gadgets/appliances of the companies yield yet another opportunity of advertisement that too for a holy purpose.  Each channel has hired a special group of anchors for the purpose, whose costumes, make up and rhetoric clearly reflect the undercurrent purpose of the gatherings.

A critical observation reveals that the use of religion for material and economic purposes is very deep-seated in our society. Vendors of locally made herbal medicines, for example, first quote verses from the holy book in which they try to show a link either between the verse and the ingredients or the disease which the medicine is suppose to cure. The context of the verses may not be the same or the reference may not be valid, but this mention serves as a successful marketing gimmick for the vendors.

During the blasphemy crisis few years ago, the use of religion for personal objectives became evident in a very interesting manner. During the protest many private and public offices and firms were ransacked and some even damaged. At Peshawar city the buildings made up of glasses were shattered by throwing stones at them by the violent protesters, the private transport service Daewoo had suffered the most in Peshawar. Since then all the buildings made up of glasses appeared with a new strategy, they wrote the Kalma  Tayyaba over their buildings so that no one can throw stones at them during protestation. 

Religion is either an end itself, or a means to the hereafter, but it should never be made this much subservient a means to the acquisition of material ends. In Pakistan its use for political, social, economic and commercial motives is growing with each passing day. The shows of the private TV channels are most obvious manifestation of the same. There is an urgent need of reformation in this regard, the over commercialization of the religion should be discouraged and any such attempt and act which make religion subservient to any other purpose except the hereafter should be dealt with severely. 



Political issues of Pakistan.

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Literature review

Literature review

Research students always find problem with literature review. They sometimes get it confused with either introduction or with abstract. Literature review is different from both of them, and is of immense importance in any research based witting.

Ø What is literature review?
Research is an ongoing process it never ends; whenever a new research is conducted it adds something new to the already existing body of knowledge and findings about the topic. Thus a new research is not conducted in vacuum, rather a continuation of the previous ones. Therefore a link must be established between your research and the previous ones, when you mention the work of the previous researchers on the topic in your own research work it called literature review.

The new researchers are therefore required to search for articles and other relevant materials which address the topic under their consideration. Additional information and access to more relevant sources can be acquired from the bibliography list of the relevant works.

Ø Why it is mentioned in the research work?
The primary purpose for mentioning the literature review in your research work is to show that the aspect of the topic which you are going to conduct research on has not been covered by the previous researches, otherwise there is no need to repeat a similar result but to do something different. This is the point wherein you reflect a justification of your research and give a rationale to go ahead with your plan.

Ø How it is reported in the research work?
The major aspects and findings of each research must be put in brief. Care must be taken about the reliance of the materials to your research. The body of the previous researches would certainly be large, therefore you have to set a boundary, and limit it. You may limit it by  putting a limit of certain age or date etc.  Literature review can be organized according to the chronological order or variables of the study. If the topic is of controversial nature then report the reviews in groups so that views of the different schools of thought may get due coverage.


Political issues of Pakistan.

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