The debate to validate or falsify
the theory of evolution does not warrant heated discussions and academic and intellectual
debates; a close and critical observation of Man’s actions and manners
themselves validates the theory. He sheds blood of his fellow beings, maims
them for life even perish them when there comes a conflict of identical
interest. He has no qualms to rob someone merely to gratify his carnal needs
and deprive the weaker ones of. Driven by the same desires to satisfy his
senses even in the hereafter, he commits inhumane acts with a ‘holy mission’.
The disposition easily leads one to the genesis of Man which needs not further
intellectual labour and utilization of scientific means. Two conclusions can be
drawn. First, there indeed is a very tenuous and thin boundary between animals
and Man, which is almost negligible. Secondly the line is very frequently
crossed, though goes unnoticed, and Man practices the mores common to the
visible descendants of the same ancestors.
The comparison does not end here, rather
encompasses most of Man’s actions. Rape is one such manifestation. By closely
examining the act, it can safely be traced to the animal community. Who
(sometimes though not all the times) act just the way Man does in rape. Both
the technique and end is the same in case of Man and animals. If critically
analyzed the other actions like robbery, theft, murder and fighting narrows
down the distance yet further.
The incident in the recent past of stripping
off a teenage girl in public at Dera Ismail Khan by the rivals of her family and the murder of Zainab at Kasur, are the best manifestation not only of Man’s distant ancestors in animals but
also of the existence of an untamable animal inside. It has become a fashion
statement to call a particular situation as critical and alarming, but given
the nature of the incident one must be alarmed and frightened by the way Man
has started treading on. Perhaps animals too will be ashamed of the incident. However,
the worrying bit is that even the incident has not moved most of the people and
the same is used for political scoring.
The incident occurred in a time when
another gruesome incident of the nature was hardly forgotten. A girl wasrapped, and the elders of the community in its verdict declared that brother of the victim girl should rap the
sister of the assailant boy. it indeed was a sad reflection of fair play and a
marked departure from sanity and reasoning. Should the sins of person visit onanother one?
The only distinction of Man is the
institutions which regulate and direct him to do things systemically and
properly, ensure fair play, know his rights and duties, observe values and
conform to certain customs and traditions etc. if Man fails to observe the
values and conforms to the codes then sophisticated food, cloth and shelter cannot
distinguish him, rather reflect his avarice of gaining more and more, whereas
animal are content with they are provided with.
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